Join us for an interactive and educational evening with talks from leading researchers in the field. We are thrilled to be hosting experts who will delve into topics including neurodegenerative diseases, cognition, addiction, decision-making, and empathy! There will be time for a Q&A and lively discussion within the audience and an opportunity to network with fellow brain and cognition enthusiasts!

This event is open to the public – secure your free spot now via the button above.

About the talks

Rejuvenating the Alzheimer’s brain: a journey to remember
– Dr. Evgenia Salta

Is our brain something immutable or can we generate more brain cells throughout adult life? If we are the smartest species of all, then how come our ability for brain regeneration seems to be much smaller than that of other animals? And what happens in the Alzheimer’s brain? Why do some people develop dementia and others not? If the human brain can indeed regenerate, why isn’t there still a cure for Alzheimer’s disease? In this talk, we will take a ride through a rollercoaster of overturned dogmas in neuroscience and discuss if the Alzheimer’s brain can be ‘rejuvenated’ and how.

Sex and Gender Differences in the Working Mechanisms underlying Addiction
– Dr. Anne Marije Kaag

Although women, transgender, and gender-diverse individuals constitute a substantial portion of those affected by substance use disorders, they are frequently overlooked in addiction-related research. As a result, our understanding of the mechanisms driving the development and treatment of these disorders predominantly relies on data from cisgender males. Through diverse methodologies, including neuroimaging and qualitative interviews, the Sex and Gender in Addiction Lab (SAGA Lab) endeavors to elucidate sex and gender differences in the mechanisms underlying substance use disorders. By doing so, we aim pave the way for a more gender-sensitive approach to addiction care.

Dancing in the dark: Exploring the virtual concert experience
Dr. Kelsey Onderdijk

Picture this: you’re at a music festival amidst a roaring crowd, your heart pounding with excitement as your favorite artist extends their hand and pulls you onto the stage. You’re ecstatic, living in the moment – but here’s the twist: you’re not actually there. Instead, you’re fully immersed in a virtual reality experience, simply dancing in the dark – from the comfort of your own home.

Does this sound like a (un)realistic scenario to you? Do people actually fall for the illusion of being present at a concert when they are physically displaced? And how does such technological mediation influence audience experience, like feelings of connectedness? Come join me to discuss these questions and explore the dynamic intersection of technology, music, and human connection!

How neurons can tell us something about our intelligence – Dr. Natalia Goriounova

One of the most fundamental questions in science is how properties of neurons in our brain influence our cognitive functions. Is there something special about neurons of smarter people? Traditionally the research on neurobiology of human intelligence focuses on either studying genetics or whole brain or brain areas of intelligence. In our work we approach human intelligence from a different angle and take a more neuronal perspective. In my talk I will discuss our findings on how properties of human neurons link to human intelligence.


Is there still anything that AI can learn from the brain? – Dr. Mototaka Suzuki

Today’s AI revolution is just amazing. Some AI systems show ‘superhuman’ performance. However, history tells us that AI originally got inspiration from the brain. Is there still anything that AI can learn from the brain, or is AI already beyond the brain?

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